Embracing the Divine Feminine in Women's Circles

We're often taught that embracing our womanly nature is a sign of weakness, and inviting the divine feminine into our lives can be seen as surrendering to fragility. But my experiences in Women's Circles have completely challenged this notion. In these sacred gatherings, I've discovered a profound strength that comes from collective wisdom and shared support.

When we come together in circle, it's common for a woman to bring up a question or concern that I might not have the answer to. However, another sister in the circle often possesses the lived experience and wisdom needed to provide guidance. Because we embody the energy of the divine feminine in these spaces, I step back and allow her to share her insights. I am not the leader here; rather, I am a facilitator, a space holder.

In environments where the divine feminine isn't acknowledged, the dynamic is often different. The mindset might be, "I'm the leader, I'm in control, and I'm the only one who offers advice or shares wisdom." This approach places all the power with one person, leaving everyone else without the opportunity to give or receive what they need. The sister seeking guidance doesn't get the support she requires, and the one with wisdom isn't given the chance to share her gift. It's a scenario where only one person benefits, while the others remain in the shadows.

So, I ask you this: Does it take more strength to hold onto power and silence everyone else? Or does true strength lie in accessing the divine feminine energy, where we operate from a place of humility and openness? I believe it takes far more strength to move beyond our egos, to recognize our limitations, and to let others shine. This is why I cherish Women's Circles. In these spaces, we all have the chance to embody our divine feminine power, to be both supportive and supported.

When the divine feminine energy flows freely, everyone wins. It's in these moments of shared wisdom and collective strength that we truly understand the power of being a woman who embraces divine feminine energy . And there is nothing weak about that.


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